Apple-Pecan Tart

1½ cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup unsalted butter; cold
¼ cup Crisco
¼ teaspoon sea salt
5 tablespoons water; maybe a little less
1¾ cups granulated sugar
¾ cups water
5 tart apples; peeled and sliced
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
⅛ teaspoon sea salt
½ cup unsalted butter
2 large eggs; beaten
¾ cups raisins
½ cup Pecan Valley Pecan Pieces

1. Process flour, cold butter, Crisco and salt in work bowl until the butter is in pea size pieces.
2. Add ice water and process with on-off turns only until dough begins to hold its shape.
3. Take out pat down into flat circle and refrigerate 30 minutes
4. Preheat oven to 375ºF.
5. Roll out on floured surface and put into 9 inch tart pan with removable bottom. Cover pastry with foil and fill with beans.
6. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes. Remove beans and bake until golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool.
7. Mix ¾ cups sugar and water in saucepan and bring to a boil. Add sliced apples and cook, covered, stirring occasionally until tender.
8. Drain and cool.
9. In top of double boiler, mix 1 cup of sugar, spices, salt and butter.
10. Add beaten eggs quickly and beat with whisk until blended.
11. Add remaining ingredients and cook over hot water stirring until thickened. Cool.
12. Layer apples in pie shell and pour mixture over apples.
13. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serves 8

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